Graphic Designer Sherry Shay developed the conference program and promotional material for the 2017 AIRC (American International Recruitment Council) Conference. The conference was held in Westin, Florida not far from Ft. Lauderdale. AIRC is an organization that focuses on the recruitment of international students to the USA. Its attendees are a mix of American college and university administrators and business leaders of companies that represent institutions in their overseas markets.

AIRC and the designer chose not to follow normal practice of filling the conference program with photos due to the wide ranging diversity of the attendees and concerns about photos not being able to accurately represent this diversity. Instead, imagery that captures the location was developed. Westin borders the Everglades and is at the edge of the well-developed South Florida coast. Rather than choose surf and sand images, Sherry developed a design theme that featured unique and pleasant wildlife and natural scenes as pictured here.

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